Reacting Quickly to Life’s Problems

Have you ever faced a problem and wanted to handle it just right? Maybe you decided to sit with it for a bit, thinking that more time would help you work through it. Or perhaps you hoped the issue would simply resolve itself. In an effort to avoid being rash, you delayed taking action—only to realize that the problem had grown even bigger.

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. We’ve all been there. But waiting too long to act can be more dangerous than making a less-than-perfect decision in the moment.

The Mental Spiral of Overthinking

Let’s be honest: did delaying your decision make the problem smaller, or did it get worse?

When you spend hours analyzing every detail, replaying scenarios in your mind, or questioning every possible outcome, it doesn’t necessarily bring clarity. Instead, it often creates a mental spiral where the issue consumes your thoughts. You tell yourself it’s not a big deal, yet the worry lingers, growing stronger the longer you wait.

That’s because your energy shifts from solving the problem to stressing about it. You wonder:

  • Why hasn’t this problem gone away?
  • Why is it getting worse?
  • What if I make the wrong decision?

This cycle is completely unproductive. And worse—it keeps you stuck.

The Power of Acting Quickly

A mentor once told me: As your organization grows, so do your problems.

Leaders of large, successful organizations don’t have fewer problems. In fact, they often face bigger and more complex challenges than before. But here’s the difference: they’ve developed the skills to handle problems efficiently and move forward quickly.

Instead of wishing for smaller problems, work toward increasing your capacity to handle bigger ones. Because the truth is, challenges won’t stop coming. But your ability to navigate them can grow—and it should outpace the complexity of the problems themselves.

Take Imperfect Action

Rather than getting trapped in overanalysis, shift your mindset toward quick action. Even an imperfect step forward is better than letting a problem fester. This doesn’t mean being reckless, but it does mean trusting yourself to make the best decision with the information you have in the moment.

So, next time a problem arises, try this:

  1. Identify the core issue. What’s really happening here?
  2. Make a decision based on the best available information. Don’t wait for absolute certainty.
  3. Take action. A small step in the right direction is better than no step at all.
  4. Adjust as needed. If new information comes to light, you can pivot.

Final Thoughts

Problems will always be a part of leadership, growth, and life. But the way you handle them determines whether they slow you down or propel you forward. The goal isn’t to eliminate challenges—it’s to develop the resilience and confidence to tackle them head-on.

The next time you’re faced with a tough decision, resist the urge to overthink. Take action, learn from the outcome, and keep moving forward. Because the faster you adapt, the more you grow.

Related: Why Strong Leaders Don't Wish for Easier Problems

Contributed by Tyler Smith, Co-founder & CEO of Text In Church