Smart Voicemails

Never Miss an Important Message

Are important voicemails being overlooked or lost in the shuffle?

Smart Voicemails ensure every message is captured, organized, and accessible, so you can follow up promptly and effectively.
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Trusted by 32,246 church leaders

Ensure No Message Falls Through the Cracks with Smart Voicemails

Smart Voicemails provide a modern solution to handling missed calls by transcribing messages, sending instant notifications, and keeping your voicemail history organized in one place.

Flexible Call Routing

Get notified immediately when someone leaves a voicemail.

Stay on top of messages no matter where you are.

Respond quickly to urgent needs.

Voicemail Transcriptions

Read voicemails at a glance with accurate transcriptions.

Save time by reviewing messages without listening to audio.

Easily share transcriptions with your team for collaboration.

Centralized Message Management

Keep all voicemails organized in one place for easy access.

Search through voicemail history to find specific messages.

Never lose track of important conversations.

Simplify How You Manage Voicemails

Book a free demo to see how Smart Voicemails can streamline your communication, improve your response times, and keep your church connected.

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Prayer Requests

Capture and respond to prayer requests left via voicemail with ease. Smart Voicemails let you read and share messages with your team to ensure no one feels forgotten.

Guest Follow-Up

Never miss an opportunity to follow up with a first-time guest who calls your church. Instantly review their voicemail and send a personalized text or email reply.

Staff Coordination

Ensure team collaboration by sharing voicemails related to ministry tasks or events. Smart Voicemails make it simple to keep everyone informed.

Learn More About Smart Voicemails

How to Set Up Voicemail

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How to Check for and Manage Voicemail Messages

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The BEST voicemail system for your church!

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What church leaders like you have to say…

This has been a helpful tool for us to get the word out to our church family and local guests. Some people prefer a text over email, so this is a great option.

Dustin W.

What church leaders like you have to say…

We have leaned into almost everything Text In Church as to offer, and without a doubt, I can say it connected our church in ways that could not have happened without Text In Church. I can assure you that Text In Church will make ministry more effortless and more impactful to your congregation and allow you to do the job of three people while knowing things are happening while you are spending time with your family and sleeping.

Mark Combs

What church leaders like you have to say…

Text In Church is an AWESOME program. We highly recommend! Great for large and small churches alike!

Dustin W.

What church leaders like you have to say…

Communicating has become soooo much easier and soooo much fun!

William & Andrea P.