The #1 Churh Community Builder Texting Integration
Seamlessly integrate Church Community Builder with Text In Church. Sync contacts, automate messages, and enhance church communication effortlessly!

Save time with less data entry
Our seamless integration shares your people between the two platforms, so you can spend less time entering data and more time building relationships.

Leverage automation
You’ve built the lists, and we’ll send the messages for you. Send emails and texts to your Planning Center lists using automation, as well as reminders to your staff to follow-up. A process you can trust so no one slips through the cracks.

Confidently send the right message to the right people at the right time
With your groups automatically syncing, it’s super simple to send targeted messages to your lists. This prevents you from sending messages to the youth about the upcoming men’s ministry event.

Expect increased attendance, deeper relationships, and greater participation!
Start Your Trial Today
Click the orange button below to get started with Text In Church today.
Text Your Community
Complete the Pre-Launch Checklist and connect in simple, meaningful ways.
Connect and Grow Your Church
Make your regular worshipers and guests feel known, noticed, and loved.