
The options are endless! Integrating with Zapier allows you to connect with Trello, Survey Monkey, Constant Contact, Handywrytten, Bonjoro, Google Forms, Evernote, Todoist, Woofoo and many more. When married together, you can better connect with your community and build relationships.

Save time with less data entry

Our seamless integration shares your people between the two platforms, so you can spend less time entering data and more time building relationships.

Leverage automation

You’ve built the lists, and we’ll send the messages for you. Send emails and texts to your Planning Center lists using automation, as well as reminders to your staff to follow-up. A process you can trust so no one slips through the cracks.

Unlock your church’s potential

Combine Text In Church with Zapier to create endless possibilities to customize and automate workflows, increase productivity, and save valuable time.

Expect increased attendance, deeper relationships, and greater participation!

Step 1

Start Your Trial Today

Click the orange button below to get started with Text In Church today.

Step 2

Text Your Community

Complete the Pre-Launch Checklist and connect in simple, meaningful ways.

Step 3

Connect and Grow Your Church

Make your regular worshipers and guests feel known, noticed, and loved.

What church leaders like you have to say…

This has been a helpful tool for us to get the word out to our church family and local guests. Some people prefer a text over email, so this is a great option.

Dustin W.

What church leaders like you have to say…

We have leaned into almost everything Text In Church as to offer, and without a doubt, I can say it connected our church in ways that could not have happened without Text In Church. I can assure you that Text In Church will make ministry more effortless and more impactful to your congregation and allow you to do the job of three people while knowing things are happening while you are spending time with your family and sleeping.

Mark Combs

What church leaders like you have to say…

Text In Church is an AWESOME program. We highly recommend! Great for large and small churches alike!

Dustin W.

What church leaders like you have to say…

Communicating has become soooo much easier and soooo much fun!

William & Andrea P.